Field reports

Pupils at CLAAS.

Here you can read about how our youngest employees see CLAAS as an employer, the highlights they have experienced up until now and what you should consider when submitting an application.

Field reports

Pupils at CLAAS.

Here you can read about how our youngest employees see CLAAS as an employer, the highlights they have experienced up until now and what you should consider when submitting an application.

Johanna, 20 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"Looking back, there was not only one highlight during my apprenticeship so far, because there were already many different special moments for me and every department has its own charm. Of course, the stay in Metz, France remains particularly positive in my memory."

Sophia, 20 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"I know that everyone wants to show the best side of him- or herself. You should not forget to stay who you really are, because you should appeal honest and opened."

Sarah-Sophie, 16 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"I really like at CLAAS, that you get your own tasks with high responsibility. Every day you get to know new colleagues. CLAAS operates international, so you also get to know foreign colleagues."

Haydi Junior, 20 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"Try to write a natural application, because CLAAS emphasizes the personality of the applicants. Tell us, why you are the right person for us and why you decided to apply for that job. An apprenticeship at CLAAS is the perfect preparation for the entrance in the professional life."

Silvana, 21 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"There are a lot of tasks, which I really like: These were tasks, where I could work independently and where I supported the main working process."

Kim Leonie, 20 years old

Industrial clerk

Additional qualification as foreign language correspondent

"My personal highlight was my support at the agricultural trade fair Agritechnica 2017 in Hannover, where I could support the Merchandising for three days. I could socialize myself and I learned a lot about our machines."